More than just another vendor.
Androgogic and our services have created a community. Hundreds of thousands of people across Australia and the Asia Pacific are using learning technology developed, enhanced, or deployed by Androgogues.

About Us
Androgogic has been the top Totara Partner in Asia Pacific almost every year since the award was established in 2015.
Our History
In 2005, Androgogic was formed in Sydney, Australia. We then partnered with Totara, a global leader in talent development software, to deliver the Androgogic Edition Totara Talent Experience Platform.
Hundreds of organisations across the Asia Pacific have been helped by outstanding technical expertise and the collaborative heart of every Androgogue.
The Royal Melbourne Hospital saves over 1000 administrative hours every month using the Androgogic Edition Totara Talent Experience Platform. The McGrath Foundation’s 223 Breast Care Nurses are all trained using elegant courseware materials designed and developed by Androgogues. The NSW Police Force uses radically modernised learning offerings with virtual reality and seamless integrations.
What does Androgogic mean?
Androgogic is a technological spin on Andragogy - the art or science of teaching adults or helping adults learn.
In contrast to pedagogy, or the teaching of children, andragogy is based on a humanistic conception of self-directed and autonomous learners where teachers are facilitators of learning.
And that’s exactly what we do. Androgogic has a focus on learning systems for adults in healthcare, government, corporate, retail, sports, and other settings.
Integrate, Upskill, And Perform
No matter your use case, the leading provider in Education Technology in the Asia-Pacific has a solution. Organise a demo or have a chat with one of our friendly Androgogues today.