Androgogic is the Innovation Hub partner for L&D Tech Fest 2022
Androgogic is pleased to be the Innovation Hub Partner for L&D Tech Fest 2022 at the ICC in Sydney, Australia. The event will run on 8 & 9 November 2022. L&D Tech Fest 2022 is championing people and culture and exploring new ways of working in order to elevate the employee experience.
Both days feature innovative speakers from across the globe. Josh Bersin provides the keynote address on the first day of the conference. At 2PM in Track 3, Peter Mellow from Eastern Health, an Androgogic client-partner, presents, “Better Learning and LMS Use in a Post-COVID Business Environment”.
Austin Health is a major academic public health service providing healthcare, health professional education and health research. Notably, Austin Health has won a LearnX award for Best Learning & Development Project, so Peter’s talk is not to be missed!