Modern Slavery Statement

Androgogic is committed to fighting Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is an abuse of human rights and is widespread with over 40 million people enslaved including almost 25 million in Androgogic’s locus of business, APAC and as many as 15,000 in Australia (NRF, 2021). 

Androgogic Pty Ltd is committed to fighting Modern Slavery as follows:

  • Maintain a register of our supply chain including all major suppliers
  • Understand the risks of Modern Slavery within suppliers and/or in entities they control
  • Conduct due diligence showing that Androgogic’s major suppliers do not promote Modern Slavery and record the evidence
  • Record the perceived effectiveness of the due diligence and strive to improve practices over time
  • Promote similar policy within partners and any entities controlled by Androgogic